Cocaine addiction and a history of cocaine

Cocaine is an extremely addictive drug that has caused many families to break off and have ended several lives as well. Let us look at a background profile on this substance.

Cocaine, a notoriously addictive white powder, is derived from the leaves of the coca plant found in southern United States of America and South America. These leaves were used in earlier times by the Mayans to act as a brain stimulant. But knowledge of other qualities of these leaves was spread all across Europe after Spain conquered South America.

Usually considered to be a brain stimulant, there are many ways of ingesting cocaine, as has been shown in our previous studies. It can be smoked, injection in to the blood vessels, or sniffed or snorted through the nose. Devoid of the way that it is consumed, the effects of cocaine in any form is always the same. But it has been seen from research that out of the total global population, almost 90% uses it as a brain stimulant, whereas the remaining 10% uses cocaine as an addictive drug, who frequently take the drug, say, every week.

The immediate after effects of cocaine are irritation and excitement, along with restlessness and lack of sleep. The following state of effects includes hyper anxiety, delusions and extreme irritation and short temper. The delusion part mainly feels like insects crawling on the skin of the addict. The physiological disorders faced by a cocaine addict usually include high blood pressure, fast breathing, highly dilated pupils and increased heart rate.

Cocaine treatment is a simple medical and psychological procedure to cure cocaine addiction in the best possible way. We have added more details about our research work at newspsychology. There are several drug rehabs all over the country that help people to get rid of their addiction. Several psychologists and doctors are present at these rehabs, and they are always ready to help out an addict in getting cured and getting better. Every addict has the right to get rid of his or her addiction – and that is what these rehab centres do.

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