What Are Anxiety Disorders?

If a person has experienced the physical symptoms of panic attacks, followed by the psychological symptoms persisting for over a month, there is a good chance he or she may has panic disorder. Attacks can be caused by specific stimulus or may take place for no apparent reason.

The third type of anxiety disorder includes phobias that are overstated, unintentionally, and irrational fears of special situations or things. Different types of phobias are specific phobia, social phobia and agoraphobia. Specific or simple phobia is initiated by a particular object or situation.  These usually appear in childhood and are more common in women. Social phobia or social anxiety disorder is described by excessive fear of social situations for fear of meeting new people and or being embarrassed, mortified, or criticized by others.  This usually appears in the mid-teens. Agoraphobia is an extreme fear of being snared in unusual places or situations and of not being capable to find help in case of an anxiety or a panic attack; usually those with agoraphobia will avoid such situations.

Regarding a specific or social phobia, individuals experience anxiety when exposed to a particular object or situation to the point where it is upsetting to their lifestyle, although they identified that the fear is irrational.

The other type of anxiety disorder is obsessive compulsive in which one is continuously harassed with recurrent, interfering, senseless and undesirable thoughts or images, and feels the need to execute formal procedures to impede these obsessions. Implementing these formal procedures is not delightful but culminates in a feeling of impermanent alleviation. from the anxiety that is caused by not executing them.

The present paper’s next classification of anxiety disorder is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that consists of perseverant terrifying thoughts or memories, or re-experiencing a frightening occurrence that culminated in feelings of extreme fear, weakness, or terror.

Many individuals with PTSD have difficulty debating their symptoms because they may be too mortified or scared to recall their trauma. This kind of disorder is common in victims of sexual abuse and in fight victims.


Subsequent anxiety disorder is general anxiety disorder that causes extreme anxiety and concern about various everyday events or activities to the extent that this concern impedes with daily work and social contexts. Physical Symptoms of this kind of disorder are fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating, peevishness, muscle tension, shivering or spasm, sweating, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances.

Other kind of this paper’s classification of anxiety is social anxiety disorder that is described by having a severe fear of social situations. This can lead to hardships in the workplace, at school, and in personal interactions. Individuals with social anxiety disorder frequently have a senseless fear of being mortified in community for saying something pointless or not knowing what to say. Physical symptoms of this disorder are comparable to symptoms of panic attacks such as heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath and nausea or intense sweating in social contexts. 

Regarding anxiety disorders, medicinal treatments are the typical sort of therapy. The most ordinary medications are antidepressants and benzodiazepines. Moreover, there are several other drugs prescribing by newly developed methods. Other options can also be helpful such as talk therapy that is classified into behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapy. The former involves relaxation techniques and gradual exposure to the object or circumstance that causes the anxiety to reduce it and the later involves changing thinking models or assisting individuals respond in a different manner to what causes their anxiety. People can lessen the symptoms of anxiety disorder by having a good diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly while alcohol and narcotic drugs can increase these symptoms.