The Most Common Types Of Intelligence

Intelligence is a relative term, and there is no concrete definition of the word. However, according to the conventions of psychology, there are some common types of intelligence, which can be classified.

In most of the dictionaries and encyclopedias, ‘intelligence’ is defined as mental ability which allows the individual to perceive, retain and practice the knowledge to which he/she is exposed. However, this is a vague and ambiguous term. Intelligence differs from person to person, and no one on the earth is qualified to judge how intelligent another person is. This is a purely psychological phenomenon, which compels us to give people labels like ‘smart, ‘intelligent’, etc. A person who is considered intelligent by one person may not be considered to someone else who has apparent greater mental prowess. However, there are some broad generalization that have been arrived at after extensive study that has been conducted by, which allows us to classify intelligence.  Our research works are working on psychological issues to solve them with better solution.

General Types Of Intelligence

Essentially, there are eight broad types of intelligence, with respect to which field an individual shows particular dexterity in. They are as follows-

Logical or mathematical, where a person is very good with numbers, Interpersonal, which depends greatly on communication and evaluation with and of others, Intrapersonal, where one has a very clear self-perception, Musical or creative, where one has exceptional taste and ability in performance of art or music, Linguistic, where they are able to master languages in all forms,  Spatial, where the individual is able to understand the world around them,  Kinesthetic, where the physical prowess is displayed through activities like dance and even sports, Nature, where some people understand nature in a much more acute manner than others. 

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