The Psychological Effects Of Opium On The Mind

Unfortunately, opium is a frequently prescribed drug for several medical conditions, and there is no alternate option for it. Overuse of opium has several ill-effects, especially on the mind, which  manifests itself through behavioral changes, and ill-health. 

The Psychological Effects Of Opium On The Mind

There are some medical conditions which require drugs to be administered as medicine. Among these is included opium, which is an opiate. An example of another opiate includes heroine. When doctors recommend it to you, they do so in a controlled amount, which does not cause harm to the body or mind.  

However, once you start taking these, you start developing resistance to the drug, and when you start taking in larger amounts, an addiction develops. Researchers at have discovered that once a person is addicted to opium, withdrawal from it can have disastrous effects on the mind including depression, hallucinations, anxiety, etc. However, if you continue using it, then the effects are much more long-lasting, and can even be fatal in the long run.

Effects On Mental Health

Whether you have been using opium for a long time, or your body is just getting adjusted to it, our researchers have discovered that there are some constant symptoms which manifest themselves, irrespective of time period. Even before you start withdrawal from the substance, symptoms such as paranoia and hysteria and hallucinations start to occur.

Physical Effects Of Opium

Along with that, some of the most common effects are insomnia, where you are unable to sleep for several nights consecutively, and also things like intense cravings, but not being able to eat anything properly. Behavioral changes are very frequent as opium can lead to problems such as development of criminal psychology, with effects like stealing and even homicide. 

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