Understanding The Psychology Of Losing Weight

When people are talking about losing weight, they seldom consider the fact that there is a lot of human psychology involved as well. Change plays a very important role in this, which has to be dealt with very carefully.

Weight loss may be pre-determined and worked at, or it may also be involuntary. If an individual feels that they are overweight, then usually eat healthy, exercise and enroll in a weight loss program, which will ensure that their total biomass comes down. However, if you suffer from a disease, then too one of the side effects might be the shedding of an inordinate amount of weight. In either case, the person who is losing kilos after kilo has to deal with a lot of physical changes, which has its effect on the mind as well. It is not easy, getting used to your new body, whether it was intentional or accidental.

Emotions Associated With Weight Loss

Our studies at www.newspsychology.com show that the losing weight is a physical as well as a highly emotional process. There are several feeling involved as well, which have to be taken care of, so that when you are losing weight, you do so in a health manner, without harming the natural construction of your body. As a result of our research, we have postulated some of the most common emotions that are associated with losing weight.

They are as follows:

  • Stress- this could hamper the process of losing weight
  • Determination- which could in fact, help you throughout the process
  • Self-confidence- which is a very important factor when you are dealing with the self-image
  • Optimism- which is another compelling factor when you are trying to lose weight

Anxiety- which is another negative emotions that people experience when they are trying to lose weight.


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