The Basics of Mad Cow Disease

Mad cow disease is an illness due to progressive neurological disorder. It is also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE and is caused by is caused by an infectious transmissible agent termed a prion.

Mad cow disease also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), is a slowly progressive, degenerative, transmissible, and fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of adult cattle. A recent study showed that ‘The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’ has tested hundreds of thousands of cattle for BSE. According to our research, researchers believe that the infectious agent that causes mad cow disease is an abnormal version of a protein normally found on cell surfaces known as prion. This protein becomes altered and destroys nervous system tissue — the brain and spinal cord.

A cow with BSE develops these problems because it has developed an infection and this infection causes its brain to waste away and become spongy. According to our research it is not completely sure how cows get this kind of infection, but researchers believe it comes from certain kinds of food given to cows. This food contains the remains of dead cows that had the infection and these remains may contain BSE.

Our extensive research as shows that if a person eats meat from a BSE-infected cow, then that person is at risk for getting a human form of the disease that is called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It’s a very serious disease that affects the brain. However, this disease is very rare in the United States. According to our research only three people in the United States have ever gotten it. It is not contagious that means a person can’t catch it from someone who has it. 

Tinnitus and its effects on human body

Are you suffering from any hearing problem? Can not hear any sound clearly. Then you may have suffering from Tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of sound within the human ear.

Tinnitus is not a disease rather a condition that can result from a wide range of underlying causes. One of the most common causes is noise-induced hearing loss and the other causes include neurological damage emotional stress, oxidative stress, ear infections, and foreign objects in the ear, but nasal allergies that prevent fluid drain, earwax build-up, and exposure to loud sounds. Tinnitus may be an accompaniment of sensor neural hearing loss or congenital hearing loss, it may be observed as a side effect of certain medications.

There are two main types of tinnitus, known as subjective tinnitus and objective tinnitus. Mainly Tinnitus is usually a subjective phenomenon that it cannot be objectively measured in any way. Tinnitus is very common that affects an estimated 50 million adults in the U.S every year. For most people, the condition is merely an annoyance. However, in severe cases tinnitus can cause people to have difficulty in sleeping and concentrating. It may eventually interfere with work and personal relationships that causes in psychological distress.

As a result of our research at as newspsychology, we found that Tinnitus is often associated with hearing loss and it does not cause the loss nor does a hearing loss cause tinnitus. Some people with tinnitus experience no difficulty in hearing, but in a few cases they even become so acutely sensitive to sound also called hyperacusis that they must take steps to muffle or mask external noises.

However, this short article is not enough for discussion about Tinnitus.. From our website you can ideas on this regard, which can help you. So to get more information visit our official website daily for regular updates.

The Effect Of Schizophrenia On The Mind And Brain

Schizophrenia is a disease that affects people’s minds and consequently, their behavior, even before it has been recognized and properly diagnosed. However, to those who are diagnosed with it, it is important to understand the effects that it might possibly have, to minimize the damage.

Schizophrenia has several severe effects on those who are affected with it. It might lead to problems such as erratic behavior, mood swings, inability to concentrate and control one’s emotions, etc. It is a disorder that requires a lot of care and attention, and has to be handled very delicately. In this manner, it can also be managed. However, schizophrenia has severe mental affects as well, which have to be taken into consideration when you are dealing with a person who has been diagnosed with the same. It is essentially a disorder of the brain and the mind, and even if it is not at a serious stage, it can radically alter the psychology of the individual who is beginning to show schizophrenic symptoms.

Schizophrenia and Psychology

A patient, who is diagnosed with this ailment, must be fully aware of their condition. The initial reaction to this revelation is usually anger, which might be out of their control because of the delicate mental condition. However, if they are oblivious about this, then they might become delusional as well, and the effects may worsen. The disease might develop even when the child is a fetus inside the womb of the mother, so if a child is seen to display irrational and erratic behavior with glaring and frequent polarity in their budding personalities, then it is advisable to get them checked, so that the damage can be contained. The disease affects people’s ability to feel and think rationally and acts accordingly, which is a threat to a normal life. 

The Effect Of Steroids On Children

Steroids are present in almost all drugs and medication which is prescribed by doctors. However, though they might not affect adults, children may have some psychological effects after taking the medications.

Steroids are essentially organic medicines, or compounds, which contain several things like hormones, vitamins and miners which are used to improve the condition of the body at a faster rate. However, although it may sound nice and healthy, in reality it is not. The main purpose of steroids is to cut to the chase without the waiting process. It does not allow the body time to adjust to the gradual changes and leaps to the finished product- which is muscles and strength, etc. which ultimately has negative and adverse effects on the body and the mind.

However, you may wonder what is the connection between these anabolic steroids and children? Our studies have shown that there are several types of medicines which children are prescribed, which contains steroids. This may not affect their physical features too much, but it can definitely alter their mental faculties as revealed by our studies.

Children and Steroids

We at have seen during our research that there are some problems, such as asthma and even anorexia, where the medicines which are prescribed contain some amount of steroids. This may lead to several psychological and behavioral changes in very young children. For example, they might become overly active, or they might even become withdrawn. Thus, in effect, it might in some way or the other alter their behavior.

To minimize the risk and exposure from and to steroids, doctors and even psychologists are resorting to non-intrusive methods of treatments even for purely physical problems such as asthma, where they have to take inhaling medicines to clear their tract. Visit our site to get more information about Effect Of Steroids. 

Understanding Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine is found in most of the beverages which are consumed on a daily basis. However, addiction to caffeine may have certain harmful effects, which have to be taken care of to prevent psychological disorders.

Unbeknownst to most people in the world, they are addicted to caffeine on a lot of levels. It is present in a lot of things which are consumed on a daily basis. In fact, a regular cup of coffee contains up to 100mg of caffeine. In addition to that, a cup of tea contains 50mg of caffeine. However, there are many more things that contain coffee, and because of the consumption of such things on a regular basis, people inadvertently become addicted to caffeine. Out studies have revealed that over 60% of the world population is addicted to caffeine.

Based on our studies at, you might wonder if there is something too harmful about consuming caffeine or not, because after all, there are more harmful addiction such as alcohol and drugs. In addition to that, caffeine gives you energy. So there is nothing essentially harmful about it. However, the truth is a different story altogether.

Harmful Effects Of Caffeine

Caffeine is something which has severe psychological effects which manifests itself if it is consumed to a really large extent. Therefore, it is important to understand the psychological effects of caffeine, to limit the amount of caffeine that is to be consumed. These include-

  • Irritability
  • Incoherent speech
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Unnecessary excitement
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite

That it is amply evident that when you consume caffeine, you are willingly inviting these serious psychological effects, which take several years, and in some cases, a whole lifetime to cure. It is best to limit the intake of the substance to a cup of coffee a day, and nothing more.

How To Deal With Addiction

Addiction is one of the most dangerous problems that psychologists have to deal with, and unfortunately also very common. Here are some of the best ways to tackle addiction.

Addiction is one of the greatest vices of people in today’s world. In fact, it has been so for time immemorial. People generally get addicted to dangerous substances, which puts them in a kind of trance, which separates them from reality. It is a means by which people try to dull their senses. Even when they are inclined to take such substances, it is psychological reason which compels them to do so. People can get addicted to things like alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and many other things. They might even get addicted to things like caffeine. 

It is incredibly dangerous to get addicted to anything, as it has the power to alter the course of one’s life. In addition to that, it can also severely affect the psychology. Therefore, we conducted an extensive study, whereby we discovered the best, most effective, yet non-intrusive ways to ensure that people recover from their addictions.

Recovering from addiction

According to our studies at, when a person is addicted, they are unable to comprehend the world around them in normal terms. This means that they become social secluded and withdrawn. They might also manifest their anger, frustration and inability through violence, self-harm and other such things. Some effective ways to handle this includes-

  • Distraction, which is the first thing that psychologists suggest. When the addict is able to get distracted, then they do not constantly think about eh substance to which they are addicted
  • Another sure shot way of treating such conditions is by providing alternatives and giving them something else to obsess with.

There are no medicines for this sort of condition. It is only the ability of the doctor looking over them, and their own will power, which could cure them of their addiction.

Myths about cocaine and what people should know

People really fail to understand how dangerous cocaine is actually is. They just consider it to be a fancy drug, with minimal side effects. Let us now break this myth.

There is no falsehood in the fact that cocaine is an extremely addictive substance. There are no easy ways to identify whether a person is using cocaine on a regular basis or not, which is much simpler in the case of other addictions like alcohol and heroin. In fact, our latest study indicates that users can get addicted to cocaine from the very first use. This complicates things a lot. It is considered to be one of the most widely abused drugs available in the market. There are a lot of false myths and rumours about cocaine, that exist among the general population.

Along with thinking that cocaine has no addictive properties, the general public is under the false impression that cocaine is only a rich people’s drug. It must be understood that like any other drugs or pills or substances, addiction to cocaine is an extremely dangerous thing and must be dealt with, with extreme care and precaution, and on an urgent basis. Movies usually showcase cocaine as a drug used in rich people’s parties. But in real life, every level of our society can afford cocaine addiction, without the barrier of profession, age, income, race and religion.

People, who sometimes check out our research work on, are often under the impression that cocaine is an absolutely safe and secure drug. But what they do not know is that cocaine can lead to several side effects, which can cause a number of physiological disorders. Cocaine abuse and addiction must be treated right away at a rehab so that the person’s life can be saved by getting rid of the addiction. Families should make sure that if anyone in their home is an addict, they should talk to a doctor right away and book a room for the addicted family member at the best possible rehab centre.

The Relationship Between Sleep Disorders And Psychological Disorders

Sleeping disorder is surprisingly common among most people, no matter what country they belong to. However, there is an intimate connection between that and psychological disorders, which is also a common ailment.

Most people in the world are unable to sleep peacefully at night. This problem is called insomnia. Several social and mainly psychological problems and concerns may lead to the occurrence of such a problem. Psychological disorders like depression, loneliness, lack of self-confidence, etc. may lead to not being able to sleep at night. However, our studies have revealed that sometimes, insomnia is not an effect, but a cause of psychological problems. Oftentimes, lack of sleep may lead to psychological problems such as nervousness, depression, and other psychiatric disorders.

Treating Insomnia Heals Psychiatric Problems

When you are trying to establish the relationship between the two, it is important to constantly refer back to the reverse. Just like treating psychological problems such as depression can reduce its effects and symptoms like insomnia, similarly, it is also quite possible, that you are experiencing psychiatric problems because of insomnia. These too can be solved when you treat the real problems, which will automatically benefit your mind. Treatment of insomnia has been found to cure problems like-

  • bipolarity,
  • depression,
  • stress,
  • seizures

All these are common psychological problems that specialists get approached with almost every day, and inadvertently, insomnia is a side effect of all of the above, and more. Hence, the two are related more than people previously believed, and treatment of one, can certainly lead to the solution of the other. Before doing any treatment you need to know the exact problem. Visit our official website to get more information. Our research work can help you to get more information and also our studies at here (psychology news website) can get you more information with helpful solution.

Effects of insomnia and how to fight with it

Insomnia is a common problem among aged people. But it can be a problem for youth also. Fitting with insomnia and getting cure is the best solution to get a sleepy night. That’s why people having insomnia need to know how to prevent it.

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder having very much effect in human life. There are different kinds of insomnia. Mainly, primary insomnia that is the person has sleeping problem and this problem is not related to any other help issue.  Secondly, secondary insomnia which is caused by any other health issues like pain, addiction and other heath conditions. There are also two types of insomnia. Acute insomnia and Chronic insomnia. If insomnia often occurs then it is acute and lasts for long then chronic insomnia.

Effects of insomnia

Mental and Emotional effect: if a person is deprived from sleep then it can be very much awful. It decreases the mental health of a person. A person never can be satisfied with is sleep. He can face lack of concentration, confusion in decision making, it reduces the confidence level and makes a person week

Physical effect: insomnia has some physical effect also. Proper sleep is a necessity of health. But lack of sleep can make a person weak in work field, depression affects the health and the health condition decreases.

It is very much important to know the reason of insomnia. First find the types of insomnia a person facing then need to take proper consultation. If the root cause of insomnia can be finished then the person can back to normal living. Proper treatment is possible to get rid of insomnia. To know more information visit our website Our research work at newspsychology can help you to get solution for your problem.

Marijuana Used for Medical Purpose is Called Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is effective for several diseases. You should find the proper advice and medical consultation about the proper use of marijuana. Limited use of it has advantage in medical purpose.

Marijuana used for medical purpose is called medical marijuana. From ancient time marijuana is used as a treatment of epilepsy. But in present timeuse of it is controversial. But there is insufficient data for the conclusion of its efficiency and safety.

Beneficial for medical use

Medical marijuana has some beneficial effect also in several diseases. It can serve as antiemetic and analgesic effects. It may be helpful for vomiting and nausea caused by cemetography. It can also be used for chronic non-cancerous pain.

Restricted and proper use of marijuana can be effective for HIV positive person who smokes it can have a better experience of life. It can be some how effective to get relief from chronic pain which caused by neuropathy.

It is effective for multiple neurological problem such as epilepsy and movement problem. It is also effective for anxiety. Cannabis can elevate mood and expand mind.

Multiple sclerosis like mussel pain, tremors, unsteadiness can also treated by medical marijuana. It also relieves the internal eye pressure which is caused by glaucoma. It also effective for constipation and alcohol hangover

According to our research, marijuana can give psychological and spiritual benefit. It enhances personal spirituality. It turns you to reveal the inner personality. It helps to remove the confusion and get right direction. 

Many times obsession and quick fixes psychological problems can be eliminated by proper use of medical marijuana. But all this can be done by proper consultation of physiotherapist.  Visit our official page to get more information. Our research work by can help you to get the solution.